Canal Area Community Safety Forum


Canal Area Community Forum covers the areas of Inchicore, Kilmainham, Dolphin’s Barn, Rialto and Bluebell.


Quarterly Public Meetings: January, April, July, October.

Venue : Rialto, Inchicore, Bluebell and Online


Management Committee

The Management Committee meets 6-8 times per year.

Term is 3 years and chair rotates every 2 years

Induction and training provided

The Forum is Chaired by Tonya Hanly.

The Management Committee meets every 6 weeks or so, and consists of a

  • Garda Inspector
  • Dublin City Council Housing Manager
  • Elected Public Representative
  • TUSLA Representative
  • Representative of the Probation Service
  • several staff from local services representing the local communities
  • a business representative

The management committee has been actively campaigning for more community policing, youth work and child protection services over many years. The Community Garda Sergeant is an active participant at public meetings.

Next Meeting: